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Who am I?

Man with pack walking toward a mountain

Why ask my name? I'm a man much the same as you. I am not a priest or a pastor. I have never studied divinity at college (as if divinity could be found in college). I have never studied philosophy, though I believe we are all philosophers in our own way. Philosophy, after all, means 'love of wisdom' and who wouldn't want to be wise or at least wiser than they are.

What philosophy I have, I have taught myself. It has come partly by reading widely, not only of philosophers but also fiction. Fiction too is philosophy, I'll write about this in detail one day.  My background is in science, and that has taught me to question everything I read or hear and test it against the world. I have tested my faith and beliefs against over sixty years of life. Whatever wisdom that has given me I am happy to share.

If you are looking for someone to tell you how to live your life, look elsewhere. If you are looking for someone to bring you to faith, only God can do that. I am a pilgrim who may perhaps share your journey for a while. If you want to walk faster or slower, by all means do so. If you disagree with me, that's fine, you may be right. It is the journey that is important and hopefully we will arrive at the right destination.

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