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Suggested reading
This is not an exhaustive list of the books that have helped me and no doubt I will add more. I think they are worth reading and hope you enjoy them
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Cost of Discipleship
Christopher R Browning
Ordinary Men​
John Bunyan
The Pilgrim's Progress
G K Chesterton
Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy
Fyodor Dostoyevsky​
Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Notes from the underground
- ​Viktor E Frankl
- Man's search for meaning
- Andrew Klavan
- The Great Good Thing
- C S Lewis
- The Pilgrims regress
- The Problem of pain
- The Screwtape letters
- Mere Christianity
- God in the Dock
- Surprised by Joy
- The Abolition of Man
- The Great Divorce
- John Milton
- Paradise lost
- Paradise Regained
- Eric Metaxas
- Letter to the American Church
- Jordan Peterson
- 12 Rules for life
- Beyond Order
- Maps of Meaning
- Dennis Prager
- The Rational Bible series
- The Ten Commandments
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- The Gulag Archipelago
- ​
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